Hong Kong visa pathways
From 5 March 2022, two new visa pathways will become available to Hong Kong nationals currently based in Australia.
From 5 March 2022, two new visa pathways will become available to Hong Kong nationals currently based in Australia.
Immigration Minister, Alex Hawke made headlines in January when he cancelled international tennis star, Novak Djokovic’s visa.
The establishment of the Australian Agriculture visa was recently announced. Its purpose is to respond to workforce shortages in the agriculture and primary industry sectors.
As with any visa, there are a myriad of tests and paperwork to be completed. While it is important that proper relationship screenings take place to determine the legitimacy of the relationship, how strict should visa laws be when it comes to applicants having to update their relationship status?
When you’re moving to a new country, it’s really wise to do some preparation in advance. Migrants entering Australia are often surprised at the lifestyle here and the different approach to how things are done.
Schools, the medical system and even driving may not be what you’re used to. Here at Visa Solutions Australia, we’ve come up with some top guidance to help you settle and to learn a little more about the way we do things here.
The Department of Home Affairs is making it tougher for migrant families to sponsor certain relatives who want to come and take up residency here, by increasing the earning threshold.
In 1982 the Australian Government introduced an ‘Assurance of Support’, which was a legal commitment by an Australian permanent resident or citizen to be a guarantor and to help a family member to obtain a visa to live here.
Visa Solutions Australia is a very multi-national team and our latest Migration Agent Simona Ancuta is helping to make our office one of the most culturally diverse in Perth. Simona was born in Romania, but at the age of 25 she and her husband made the decision to move to New Zealand.
The most common student visa is the subclass 500 which means you can study and work part-time. The course you select can be the biggest factor in successfully securing permanent residency – so choose your subject carefully.
Here’s our suggested list of current occupations which are in demand.
It’s a question which sparks much curiosity. What happens if a child is born in Australia to foreign parents? Don’t assume that the newborn will automatically gain Australian citizenship, it is very much dependent on the type of visa or status which the parents hold.
Personalised assistance and consulting service for Australian Immigration services for both individual and businesses.