Work and Holiday Measures – China, India and Vietnam

As part of the 2024/25 federal budget, working holiday measures for China, India and Vietnam were announced.

The Australian Government plans to implement a visa pre-application (ballot) process for the capped Work and Holiday (subclass 462) visa program for applicants from China, India and Vietnam. The intended outcome for this ballot process is to help manage demand and application processing times.

What is a Visa Ballot Process?

A visa ballot is an electronic selection process. Selected entrants are invited to apply for a first Work and Holiday (subclass 462) visa. The ballot aims to provide an equitable, streamlined and transparent means of selecting applicants where the number of registrations significantly exceeds the number of places available for a participant country in a program year.

This ballot process will only apply to the first year Work and Holiday (subclass 462) visa and not second or third Work and Holiday visas.

Why is a Ballot System Only Being Introduced for China, India and Vietnam?
China, India and Vietnam are considered high-demand work and holiday visa countries. The number of work and holiday visa applications from these countries usually significantly exceeds the number of places available in the program.

Other participant countries in the program are considered low demand as they don’t usually reach their allocated places and therefore a ballot process would not be effective for these countries.

What are the Caps Each Year for China, India and Vietnam?
Currently, China has a cap of 5,000 and Vietnam has a cap of 1,500. India’s program has not yet commenced; however, it’s expected that India will have a cap of 1,000.

Once the application cap is reached for each respective country, the status of the application cap is updated to ‘closed’ meaning no more applications for that program year can be lodged. Where the application cap is close to being reached, it’s status will be changed to ‘paused’.

There is no cap on second or third work and holiday visas.

These new arrangements are expected to come into effect later in 2024. A ballot charge of $25 (indexed to the CPI in future years) will apply.

What is the Work and Holiday Visa?
The Work and Holiday (subclass 462) visa enables people aged 18 – 30 years of age to visit Australia for a holiday and undertake short-term work. This is a temporary visa and is valid for up to 12 months. Those wishing to stay longer may apply for a second and then third Work and Holiday visa.

The Work and Holiday (subclass 462) visa is open to citizens of countries/jurisdictions that form part of the work and holiday program. To see a list of participating countries visit the Department of Home Affairs website.

To learn more about migration to Australia, contact the experienced team of registered migration agents at Visa Solutions Australia. Book a consultation.