Vietnam 2024: Visa Solutions Australia Annual Conference

The 2024 Visa Solutions Australia Annual Conference will take place in Da Nang, Vietnam from 23rd September – 27th September.

Attending the event are 15 staff members along with their families, two guests from Emergination and one guest from Australian Industry Group. Team members will travel from Perth, Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane and the Philippines to attend the event.

The Visa Solutions conference is an annual event that has been running for approximately 10 years and brings together the entire VSA team.

The week-long event will incorporate a combination of business and social events. The week will open with a welcome dinner followed the next day by a group outing to Sun World. The next two days will see the VSA team attend their two-day workshop before spending the last few days of the trip exploring Vietnam with their families and team members.

The Purpose of the Visa Solutions Conference

The Visa Solutions conference enables the team to get out of the office and regroup. The vibrant, laid-back environment aims to boost team moral and engagement and provide a fresh perspective and inspiration when it comes to exchanging ideas and discussing ways to better serve their clients.

Whether working or having fun, the values Visa Solutions operates by are a focus of the conference. The core values of trust, commitment, understanding and excellence along with a strong regard for family and teamwork play a big part in the everyday culture of Visa Solutions. When it comes to the conference, these values are present whether during the workshop days or out and about having fun with the entire group.

Why Vietnam?

While a conference of this nature could take place anywhere in the world, Da Nang, Vietnam was chosen as the 2024 location.

Da Nang is considered an attractive destination for those travelling for business or pleasure for many reasons. Located in central Vietnam, Da Nang is easily accessible from various countries in the region, including Australia. There are also many other reasons why Da Nang was a favourable choice for the Visa Solutions conference.

Da Nang is a growing business hub, becoming a popular destination for business events and gatherings. The modern facilities and its infrastructure have contributed to Da Nang being dubbed a business-friendly ecosystem.

Da Nang boasts an international airport, commercial ports and access via road and rail. It is also home to several industrial parks and logistics centres. Significant investment in digital infrastructure ensures high-speed internet connectivity and access to advanced telecommunications networks.

Da Nang is a family-friendly destination which offers unique experiences. It offers a unique cultural experience combined with beautiful scenery, rich history and local hospitality while offering a range of attractions and activities for families to enjoy.

This year’s conference holds special significance as Visa Solutions Australia celebrates their 20-year anniversary. Visa Solutions has achieved a great deal over the last 20 years and the annual conference in Da Nang is an opportunity to celebrate this wonderful milestone with the team that made it possible and their loved ones.

If you would like to learn more about any aspect of immigration, contact the experienced team of registered migration agents at Visa Solutions Australia. Book a consultation