For Chas Todd and his family, moving to Australia seemed impossible. After countless knock backs from immigration agents in South Africa and Australia, Chas finally found a way to make Australia his home.
With help from David Cox, Managing Director of ProYou and Dan Engles, Managing Director of Visa Solutions Australia, Chas’s immigration story took a turn in the right direction.
How It All Began
Chas Todd, his wife and two sons aged seven and five years, lived in South Africa. Chas owned a successful scaffolding re-fit business but often toyed with the idea of leaving South Africa. A lot of family and friends had emigrated from South Africa, so it got him thinking about the possibilities. While everyone around him was making the move, the main motivation to leave South Africa stemmed from wanting to provide a better life for his family. His wife was a bit reluctant to consider a move at first but gradually came around to the idea. Two years ago, they decided that it was time to start seriously thinking about it.

Usually, anyone wishing to emigrate from South Africa goes to the UK, Australia or New Zealand. After a lot of research, Chas and his family decided that Australia would be the best option for them. After discussions with David from ProYou, Chas and his family decided a family holiday to Australia in April 2023 would provide them with a sense of life in Australia and determine their final decision.
Prior to meeting Dan at Visa Solutions, Chas had discussed his immigration options with immigration agencies in South Africa and Australia. Chas was advised that he and his wife were under-skilled and there was no pathway for them to immigrate to Australia. He was advised there was a possibility of immigrating to a regional area of Australia however not likely to happen.
Chas had many discussions with David about the situation however as an accountant David was unable to advise on immigration. Obtaining a visa to come to Australia can be complex especially in a case such as Chas’. Chas’ case needed the expertise of a reputable immigration agency with an experienced team of registered migration agents. Fortunatley for Chas, David was well acquainted with Dan Engles of Visa Soultions Australia.
ProYou and Visa Solutions Working Together
David made the introduction to Dan at Visa Solutions Australia to explore some possibilities that could help Chas and his family obtain a permanent visa. Thinking outside the box and drawing on his vast experience, Dan suggested that the sponsorship pathway with some adaptations seemed liked an obvious choice. Sponsorship would not only enable Chas to get a visa, but he would also be able to bring his family with him. Working together to provide a solution for Chas and his family, Dan and David and their respective teams worked together to put in place the requirements that would result in a pathway to residency in Australia and a new life for Chas and the family.

While Chas understood that there was a possibility his visa may not come to fruition, he put his faith in the teams at ProYou and Visa Solutions Australia and set about telling his wife it was pretty much a sure thing.
Playing the Waiting Game
Visa applications take time and with Chas’s case being a bit more complex, he needed to get his timing right on other aspects that would be affected by their potential move. Things like selling their house which could take up to a year and giving his children’s school notice that they may be withdrawing their enrolment were all things that needed to be done but hinged on obtaining a visa.
Putting his faith in the process, Chas decided to employ a positive mindset and placed the family home on the market. As it eventuated for the Todd family, two months after selling their home, they were approved for their visa.
Given the visa application process and Chas’ circumtances, the entire visa application process through to the visa being granted took well over a year and a half. In addition to Chas’ visa application, Dan and the team at Visa Solutions had to ensure that the business sponsorship side ticked all the boxes. Without business sponsorship, Chas wasn’t going to get a visa so it was critical that this aspect met all the requirements.
Life in Australia
Things are going well for the Todd family. They’ve settled in on the Northern Beaches of Sydney – Chas’s business is going well, the children are happy in their new school and his wife has started her own small business.
While it’s taken a bit of getting used to, they love living in Australia and are making the most of the opportunities Australia has to offer. Having family and friends scattered around Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane has also helped make the transition from South Africa seamless.
Chas’s journey with Visa Solutions doesn’t end here. Chas’s business sponsorship visa has given him and his family a pathway to permanent residence, and they hope to eventually be granted Australian citizenship. While this is attainable, it’s a journey that will take some time. However, working with Visa Solutions, Chas has the best chance of obtaining this dream.
Chas and his family are grateful to Dan and David, saying, ‘We’re happy that Dan and David looked at the situation from a broad perspective and looked for opportunities within the framework. We are thankful and appreciative that we met them and their respective teams.’
Chas continues to maintain a strong relationship with David. David provides business support to Chas to help him navigate the intricacies of running a business in Australia. Chas also has access to David’s network of professionals that have helped with various aspects of settling in Australia.
Dan and the Visa Solutions team will continue to work with Chas and his family, ensuring all is going well with their current visa but also to assist with their future immigration plans. Having this relationship will ensure that Chas and his family are aware of all changes that may affect their current visa and any future plans when it comes to applying for a permanent visa.
Getting the Right Help
The pathway offered to Chas and his family, is one that could help a lot of people in a similar situation. There are many people facing similar immigration challenges and will often defer to their accountant or lawyer. While many of these professionals have contacts in the immigration industry, it’s important that they are connected to the right registered migration agents.
A reputable and experienced immigration agent will ensure that applicants are applying for the right visa, that they meet all the criteria and will keep them updated on the progress of their application. Immigration agents are the first to know of any changes in Australian immigration policy and law and will keep their clients updated on any changes that may affect their visa application or immigration goals.
With the right help, people in a similar situation to Chas could be on their way to achieving their immigration goals.
Visa Solutions Australia and ProYou are committed to working together to obtain the best outcome for their clients. Drawing on their expertise in each of their respective fields, they strive to come up with solutions that not only benefit their clients but also contribute to Australia’s prosperity.
To explore your immigration options, contact the experienced team of migration agents at Visa Solutions Australia. Book a consultation here and commence your journey.