New Zealand Citizens Get Fast Track to Australian Citizenship

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and the Minister for Home Affairs, Clare O’Neill along with the Minister for Immigration, Citizenship and Multicultural Affairs, Andrew Giles announced in April a new direct pathway to Australian citizenship for eligible New Zealand citizens.

New Zealand Citizens can apply from July 1st 2023

In 2001, the Howard government made the decision to establish a new Special Category visa (SCV) for New Zealand citizens living in Australia. The introduction of the Special Category visa removed the automatic offer of permanent residency for New Zealanders. While the SCV allows New Zealand citizens to stay in Australia for an unlimited amount of time they are restricted in their access to some government benefits such as Medicare and are unable to obtain Australian citizenship without first being granted permanent residence.

From 1st July 2023, all New Zealand citizens on a Special Category visa will be able to apply for Australian citizenship without having to become a permanent resident as long as they have lived in Australia for at least four years.

Become an Australian citizen

This change will affect approximately 400,000 New Zealanders currently living in Australia. This decision coincides with the 50th anniversary of the Trans-Tasman Travel Agreement.


How Will This Change Benefit New Zealand Citizens Living in Australia?

Currently, New Zealand citizens have to apply for permanent residence in Australia before they can apply for citizenship. As a permanent resident there is limited access to welfare and financial benefits as well as certain employment opportunities.

As Australian citizens, New Zealanders will have access to the following:

  • Key welfare benefits
  • Student loans
  • Disability support
  • Public housing
  • Voting rights
  • The ability to work for the public service or in the armed forces

Eligibility criteria such as income and health tests will be scrapped, however, standard assessments such as character tests and English language competency will still apply.

The limitations placed on New Zealanders living in Australia has been a sore point in the bilateral relationship between Australia and New Zealand. This disparity is further highlighted by the fact that Australians living in New Zealand who intend to settle there have access to a range of welfare benefits and voting rights after residing in New Zealand for one year. They are also able to apply directly for citizenship if they have lived in the country for five years and pass basic eligibility requirements.

‘This is a fair change for New Zealanders living in Australia and brings their rights more in line with Australians living in New Zealand.’ [1] – Australian Prime Minister, Anthony Albanese.

New Zealand Prime Minister, Chris Hipkins has stated that Australia’s implementation of the Special Category visa for New Zealand citizens residing in Australia placed them in a state of suspended temporariness. The announcement of the direct pathway to Australian citizenship for New Zealanders goes a long way to remedying what can be considered an unfair situation and help further strengthen ties with New Zealand.

The rule change will be retrospective, meaning any New Zealand citizens who have lived in Australia since 2001 will be able to apply for Australian citizenship without having to obtain permanent residency first. In addition, from 1st July 2023, children born in Australia to Special Category visa holders will automatically acquire Australian citizenship at birth rather than having to wait until they reach 10 years of age as per the previous agreement.

If you would like to learn more about migration or have a migration related enquiry, contact the Visa Solutions Australia team. Book a consultation.


