Reforms to Migrant and Refugee Settlement Services

As part of the federal budget, the Australian Government will provide $120 million over five years to improve the sustainability of settlement services and promote better economic and social outcomes for refugees and migrants.

Funding will support:
– The Humanitarian Settlement Program
– Extended targeted support including:

  • Youth transition support services to assist refugee and migrant youths to access education, employment and government services
  • Specialised support for refugee and migrant women experiencing domestic and family violence

The Humanitarian Settlement Program

The Humanitarian Settlement Program will receive $86.6 million over five years to support settlement service delivery for refugees and migrants.

The Humanitarian Settlement Program supports humanitarian entrants and other eligible visa holders integrate into Australian life. It helps new arrivals build the skills and knowledge required to become self-reliant and active members of the community. It focuses on helping individuals learn English, gain employment and access education and training.

More information on the Humanitarian Settlement Program can be found on the Department of Home Affairs website.

Extended Targeted Support

$27 million will be allocated to extend targeted support for refugee and migrant youths and women and Afghan humanitarian entrants.

Youth transition support services assist refugee and migrant youths by giving them access to education, employment and government services. This service helps humanitarian entrants and vulnerable migrants aged between 15 and 25 years to participate in work and education. It helps improve workplace readiness, provide access to vocational opportunities and create strong social connections through education and sports engagement.

More information on the Humanitarian Settlement Program can be found on the Department of Home Affairs website .

As part of the Settlement Engagement and Transition Support (SETS) Program, there will be specialised support for refugee and migrant women experiencing domestic and family violence.

Tailored assistance for Afghan refugees to support their settlement journey in Australia will also be put in place.

In addition to these measures, funding has also been set aside to:

  • Continue conversational English classes in community hubs to enhance  communication skills and promote social integration within migrant communities.
  • Extend access to Medicare for Ukrainians and their immediate family members who hold a Bridging visa E ensuring continued access to healthcare
  • Extend the Community Refugee Integration and Settlement Pilot to 30 June 2026 to continue settlement services provided by community volunteers
  • Enhance management of humanitarian and settlement programs by the Department of Home Affairs to help strengthen the Department’s capacity to deliver effective humanitarian settlement services.

The Australian Government’s investment in migrant and refugee settlement services emphasizes Australia’s commitment to welcoming and supporting individuals and families seeking refuge in Australia.

To learn more about migration to Australia, contact the team of experienced registered migration agents at Visa Solutions Australia. Book a consultation.