Better Education for Migrant Workers

The additional funding for migrant reform announced in the 2024/25 federal budget further supports the Australian Government’s crackdown on exploitation of migrant workers.

The Government announced that it would allocate $15 million over three years for information and education activities for migrant workers. The goal is to reduce the risk of exploitation of migrant workers by providing accurate and appropriate information to migrants about workplace safeguards, protections and compliance measures related to workplace laws.

This initiative aims to empower migrant workers with knowledge, ensuring they are aware of their rights and can protect themselves against exploitation and unfair treatment.

In addition to better educating migrant workers, $1.9million will be allocated in 2024/25 to conduct a data matching pilot between the Department of Home Affairs and the Australian Taxation Office. The pilot will cross-reference income and employment data in an effort to mitigate exploitation of migrant workers and abuse of Australia’s labour market and migration system. By capitalising on data-sharing capabilities, the Government seeks to create a more transparent and accountable system.

Why is There a Focus on the Exploitation of Migrant Workers?

In May 2023, a report by the Grattan Institute revealed that one in six migrants were paid less than the national minimum wage. It also stated that migrant workers were subjected to sexual harassment, bullying, racism, discrimination and unsafe working conditions.

In June 2023, the Albanese Government vowed to protect migrant workers at risk of exploitation with a package of measures that targeted employers seeking to exploit temporary visa holders.

The Government acknowledged that unfair wages not only affected the individual but can also impact the wages and the work conditions of all Australian workers. The Government went on to announce a package of legislative powers, enforcement tools and additional funding to help those in an exploitative workplace to speak up.

Andrew Giles, Minister for Immigration, Citizenship and Multicultural Affairs also introduced legislation into Parliament that would see unscrupulous employers penalised.

To learn more about migration to Australia, contact the team of experienced registered migration agents at Visa Solutions Australia. Book a consultation.