
Visa Solutions Australia
Australian Migration Agents

Border Control

Major boost for Australian border controls

As Europe continues to grapple with the humanitarian catastrophe of Mediterranean migration deaths, an increasing number of countries are looking to Australia as a source of border control inspiration. Known for its tough stance on unauthorized migrants, it would seem that Australians themselves do not consider the current arrangements robust enough. In response, Australia’s border security is about to undergo a ‘once in a generation’ overhaul which is likely to mean an increasingly rigorous style of policing national boundaries. With passenger movements across the country’s borders expected to experience a sizeable increase from around 33 million people in 2012-13 to an estimated 50 million people by 2020, it is clear that innovative ways will need to be found to deal with this increasing demand. The soon to be formed Australian Border Force is seen to be the answer to this challenge and is designed to be fit for purpose for the years ahead. Here we look at the background to this new agency and how immigration will be affected by its formation.

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Immigrants and the Australian Economy’s Link to Each Other Cannot be Avoided

The response received by George Megalogenis’ Making Australia Great, the 3-part documentary shown in ABC, has been very positive. Not only that, viewers and reviewers alike have expressed their enjoyment watching the series, and seeing it embrace a sensitive topic economics which seem intimidating to the point of unfeasibility for prime time Television. It isn’t exactly something anybody would particularly be begging to watch, especially on a Tuesday night, right? But here’s where you’re wrong. The economic protectionism and the White Australia Policy, both of which emerged around this time, were 2 sides of an interconnected economic and cultural closure of our country’s boundaries.

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Why Australia is making reforms in its skilled visa program

On the 19th of September of 2014, the Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP) began its review of its present skilled migration and temporary visa programmes.

The review is going to involve key bodies in the Government, as well as migration agents, employers, and the general public in gathering together so changes that need to be made can be discussed in enhancing skilled migration in Australia. However, what we would like to know are the factors that have pushed for this review and what is the outcome the Australian government is hoping for from this exercise.

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2015 Federal Budget – Immigration aspects

The federal budget delivered by the Treasurer Joe Hockey was somewhat predictable for increasing the visa application charges particularly for those applications lodged offshore and a number of revenue raising measures aimed at foreign property buyers and working holiday makers.

For the revenue side of the budget, the Treasurer announced an increase to visa application charges of between 2.3 per cent (around the CPI level) and 50 per cent for a range of visas depending on demand and other policy considerations.

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Immigration Influx

2015 is set to see an influx of immigrants into Australia, with more than; 5 million visas; predicted to be issued!

With such a significant change in population demographic within the nation, a reconsideration of policy is inevitable. The challenges to Australian policy that will evolve in 2015 are expected to be of a scale so large that the last comparable period of change was in World War II.

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Important Updates to Visas & Requirements

Read about the latest updates to the New TSMIT (Temporary Skilled Migration Income Threshold) & 457 and ENS (Employer Nominated Scheme) highly paid position, Lowered English requirements for subclass 457 visa application, and English language test scores for subclass 476 and 485 applications, Specification of Arrangements for Special Category Visa Applications and other important visa updates.

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Minor changes on all forms & place of lodgement

Approved forms and the location for lodgement on applications for Subclass 461:
Temporary Work (Short Stay Activity) (Subclass 400) Visa Applications – the Specification of Arrangements:

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Latest changes to Immigration Rules – 2015

Changes to the English language requirements for Temporary Work (Skilled) Subclass 457 visas came into effect from 18 April 2015. The change amends the requirements applicants must meet to satisfy the English language criteria while continuing to ensure that applicants have a sufficient level of English language ability to perform effectively in their nominated occupations. The amendment gives effect to a recommendation from an independent review conducted in 2014, the 457 Integrity Review. The required English test scores for 457 visas are now as follows:

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