
Visa Solutions Australia
Australian Migration Agents
Amanda Valenti

Amanda is our migration law expert ‘bringing people together’

Amanda Valenti’s strong desire to help others led her to become a Registered Migration Agent as she always wanted a career where she could make a difference to peoples’ lives.
She’s one of the few members of the Visa Solutions Australia team who was actually born in Australia. Both sets of her Grandparents are Italian and emigrated in the 1950’s.

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How many people are staying in Australia illegally on expired visas?

Every year, thousands of people from many countries dream of a better life in Australia and make the decision to migrate. While many enter Australia legally, there are some who overstay their visa when it has expired and will be classed as an illegal immigrant.

Recent statistics show that could be as many as 64,000 with the Department of Immigration saying that 12,000 of them have been here for 20 years or more.

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Why is Australia a popular migrant destination for Indians?

Have you ever wondered which country tops the list for migration to Australia? Well according to the latest figures for the 2016/2017 year released by the Federal Government, some 38 854 skilled or family visas were granted to migrants from India – that’s just over 20% of all migrants.

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Why use a registered migration agent?

It’s easy to understand why people lodge visa applications themselves, as they think it will save time and money. The trouble is that there can be long-term ramifications if a visa application is not lodged correctly.

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417 visa

Rise in underpayments on overseas workers on ‘backpacking’ visas

Some Australian employers are deliberately flouting their legal obligations so they can keep wages low for students, working holiday visitors and refugees, that’s according to the Fair Work Ombudsman who’ve been investigating the problem.

The Fair Work Ombudsman is an independent statutory office which was established in Australia to protect the employee and ensure that employers adhere to certain guidelines and compliance with regards to workplace laws.

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