
Visa Solutions Australia
Australian Migration Agents

What Can A Minister Do?

Peter Dutton made headlines last week when it was revealed that the federal police had raided the Department of Home Affairs. The raid was the result of leaked documents pertaining to Mr Dutton’s intervention in granting visas to European au pairs.

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Australian Government

What Do the Changes in Government Mean for the Immigration Portfolio?

The political events of the last couple of weeks have not only resulted in Australia having a new Prime Minister but also a number of changes in the new Prime Minister’s cabinet. One of the changes Prime Minister Scott Morrison has made is the appointment of David Coleman to the role of Immigration, Citizenship and Multicultural Affairs Minister.

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Jia Ma Joins Visa Solutions Australia

Registered Migration Agent, Jia has a strong and varied legal background. Prior to entering the field of migration, Jia worked in property law and commercial litigation. While she enjoyed working in these fields, she wanted to work more with people and make a difference in their lives. Four years ago, she took a bold leap into immigration law and has not looked back since.

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Australian Citizenship

Character Testing: Are You Good, Bad or Normal?

It’s now harder than ever to become an Australian citizen. We live in a great country so it’s not surprising that many people want to make Australia their permanent home.

While we don’t want to let just anyone into Australia, how stringent should we be on permanent residents wanting citizenship?

There has been a great deal in the media about Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton and his character test. In effect since late 2014, the character test has the potential to block aspirations of being an Australian citizen.

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Migrant worker

Skilling Australians Fund Commences 12th August 2018

Earlier this week, the government confirmed its plans to commence the Skilling Australians Fund. Commencing on 12th August 2018, the Act relates to the ‘nomination training contribution charge’.

Put simply, employers nominating to bring foreign workers into Australia for temporary or permanent skilled work visas will be hit with a nomination fee. Employers will be asked to pay a fee for each year they expect the visa entrant to be working in Australia. These fees will significantly increase the cost of nominating foreign workers and are required to be paid in full when the application is lodged.

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Australian partner

Not all Relationships are Created Equal

As with any visa, there are a myriad of tests and paperwork to be completed. While it is important that proper relationship screenings take place to determine the legitimacy of the relationship, how strict should visa laws be when it comes to applicants having to update their relationship status?

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Assurance of Support

How does migration law happen?

There has been plenty of news recently about proposed changes to Australian migration laws. While radical changes always attract plenty of media attention, it’s important to remember that there are many reasons why a proposed bill may never see the light of day.

Here at Visa Solutions Australia we are constantly reminding people not to panic when they learn about proposed changes. The announcement just a few months ago about changes to the Assurance of Support for Parent Family Visas may not come into effect if there is a change of government.

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