
Visa Solutions Australia
Australian Migration Agents

Introducing Visa Assistant, Allieu

Allieu has joined the Visa Solutions Australia team on a permanent basis. Allieu has a great deal of experience in immigration having worked with Visa Solutions periodically over the last 10 years and with the government and other migration organisations.

In 2004, Allieu arrived in Perth as a student. He has a Bachelor Degree in Legal Studies and Social Justice. His move into immigration was sparked by a desire to help make a difference in the lives of people wanting to make Australia their home.

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Respecting Our Values

Australia Day is often a day of coming together with friends and family and enjoying the things that make Australia unique. It’s an opportunity to reflect on what we value as Australians.

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Best Migration Agent

Introducing Lhiann Fowler

Lhiann Fowler joins the Visa Solutions Australia team as an Immigration Assistant. She has a strong and extensive background in immigration having worked with various organisations in the migration industry since October 2008.

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The Labor Party and Immigration – Where do They Stand?

The Labor Party’s landslide win in the Victorian State Election on the weekend has caused speculation on the outcome of the 2019 Federal Election. Most are confident the Labor Party will win the election but if they do, how will this impact on immigration?

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Immigration Australia

Prime Minister Scott Morrison Announces Changes to Working Holiday Visas

Prime Minister Scott Morrison is proposing changes to the Working Holiday Visa which will enable backpackers to stay in Australia longer and work and live in a wider range of regions throughout the country.

Currently, Working Holiday Visas are valid for 12 months and holders are restricted to six months employment with any one employer during that time. Under proposed changes, backpackers will now be able to stay with agricultural employers beyond six months and will be able to triple the length of their stay if they do extra agricultural work. This is a move which is aimed at rural Australia and farmers specifically.

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Holiday VISA

Working Holiday Visas. Everything You Need to Know.

Many tourists travel on a Working Holiday Visa. A Working Holiday Visa allows travellers to visit Australia while picking up employment to either share their knowledge, skills and culture or to earn some extra money.

Businesses can benefit from employing Working Holiday Visa holders. Holiday visa holders can fill positions where there is a temporary increase in demand that doesn’t warrant the employment of a permanent staff member or they may fill a short term skills gap the business may be currently experiencing.

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migrate to australia

Plan First, Pack Later!

Planning to migrate can be an exciting time. There are a number of reasons for migrating and a great many visa options to suit the migration needs of most people. While there are many visa options available, it’s important to remember that they all differ in their requirements and their application lead times. Visas can take anywhere from months or even years to obtain.

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