
Visa Solutions Australia
Australian Migration Agents
employer sponsored

Sponsors: Obligations Apply!

When it comes to sponsoring migrant employees, employers need to ensure they meet sponsorship obligations. Employers can hire or sponsor skilled workers already in Australia that hold a working visa or they can sponsor skilled workers to come to Australia.

Sponsorship obligations start the day a standard business sponsorship is approved or a work agreement commences. To retain or renew a standard business sponsorship, sponsor obligations must continue to be met.

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Migrants Surviving in Australia – It’s All About the Money

Australia has always been thought of as the lucky country and for those of us who live here it is definitely true. We have great healthcare and education systems, government financial assistance, easily accessible public transport and many other favourable qualities that puts Australia ahead of a lot of other countries. But for migrants Australia may not necessarily be considered lucky for them. While in a lot of cases Australia is a safe haven and a land of opportunity there are some aspects that may let migrants down.

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family migration

Temporary Sponsored Parent Visa

From 17th April 2019, the Temporary Sponsored Parent Visa (TSPV) will become available. The TSPV is available to anyone that has children living in Australia and is an alternative to visitor visas which only allow short periods of stay.

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Department of Immigration and Border Control

David Coleman Introduces Three New Designated Migration Agreements

In the last week, Immigration Minister, David Coleman announced the introduction of three new Designated Area Migration Agreements (DAMA).

While the primary aim of these agreements is to get more migrants living in regional areas to help fill skills shortages and to help relieve pressure on infrastructure in major cities such as Sydney and Melbourne they also support the growth of these areas.

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Migrant worker

Migrant Occupations: A Game of Skill or a Game of Lists?

With a federal election not too far away, political parties are now making an effort to secure votes in the lead up to the election. The federal government in the last few days released a number of changes pertaining to the conditions of employment and the occupation lists that determine where migrants may have to locate in Australia in order to work in their chosen profession.

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Meet Sarah Hoang, Visa Solutions Australia’s New Immigration Administrator

Sarah Hoang joined the Visa Solutions team in February as an Immigration Administrator.

Sarah holds degrees in Law and Economics and has gained extensive experience working in these fields but enjoys working in immigration more so. Her interest in immigration comes from being exposed to immigration matters in her previous role as a Junior Solicitor and her parents own experience, having come to Australia as refugees.

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Australian Visa

Why Can’t They Work?

While overseas students are given the privilege of studying in Australia on student visas, they are limited in some aspects, the biggest being employment.

Currently, anyone on a student visa is able to work 20 hours a week when school is in session and as much as 40 hours a week when school is out of session. Postgraduate research students and students who have commenced a masters by research or a doctoral degree in Australia are not subject to employment limitations. Any work that is registered as part of the course is not included in the visa employment limitations.

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Contact & Networks

Liz Han – Immigration Assistant at Visa Solutions Australia

Liz joined Visa Solutions Australia in May 2018 as an Immigration Assistant with over 3 and a half years of immigration experience. Liz migrated to Melbourne from China in 2006 on a student visa. She studied Computer Science at RMIT before working for various organisations. In 2014, Liz moved to Perth with her husband.

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