
Visa Solutions Australia
Australian Migration Agents
Social Media

Social Media: More Harm Than Good?

We often post on social media without thinking. We take a cool photo, we post it; we see a funny meme and we share it; we are in a new relationship and we want the world to know. For most of us there are no consequences of these actions but what if you are in the process of applying for a visa?

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Travel Exemptions During Covid-19

Current travel restrictions have not only put a halt on overseas holidays but it has also impacted those that are required to travel as part of their job.

There are many jobs in Australia that can only be filled by people overseas who hold specialist skills and expertise, particularly in the mining, oil and gas industries. So, what happens if we need one of these overseas workers but current restrictions don’t allow overseas travel?

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child visas

Child Visas

Child Visas are available to dependent children of Australian and New Zealand citizens or Australian permanent visa holders.

There are two child visas available, the subclass 802 and the subclass 101. They are the same but the application process differs slightly for each.

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Covid-19 Restrictions are Easing in Australia

The Federal Government’s easing of restrictions has been a source of joy for many. While Scott Morrison outlined the general plan, it has been at the discretion of each state premier to determine what restrictions can be eased in their state. In some cases, state borders have been closed which has presented a new set of challenges whether for local residents or those interstate.

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australian healthcare

Mental Health During Covid-19

Mental health is a serious issue at the best of times. With the arrival of Covid-19 and various restrictions keeping people home bound, health professionals can’t help but be concerned about the ramifications of social distancing on the mental health and well-being of Australians.

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State Assistance for Temporary Visa Holders

The Covid-19 pandemic has not only had health ramifications but has also had an impact on the Australian economy. While the Australian Federal Government has established the Jobseeker and Jobkeeper programs to help Australian individuals and businesses through this tough time, unfortunately, temporary visa holders are ineligible for these payments.

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