
Visa Solutions Australia
Australian Migration Agents

What happens when the borders open?

We all know the impact that Covid-19 has had on Australia and countries around the world in terms of health and economically. With lockdowns ending in various parts of the world, some countries are slowly beginning to open their borders to tourism with visitors from low risk countries gaining entry.

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Apply Australian visa

How Long Does A Visa Application Take?

The visa application process is quite involved. Not only does the application need to be filled out but you also need to prepare supporting documentation. How long should an application take?

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Registered Migration Agent

What to Expect When Using a Registered Migration Agent

Migration agents can take a lot of the stress out of applying for a visa. When you engage the services of a migration agent, you should expect that your chosen migration agent will handle the entire visa application process for you with professionalism and a wealth of migration knowledge.

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Best Migration Agent

How to Choose the Right Migration Agent

When it comes to choosing a migration agent, there are many out there, so how do you choose the right one? There are many factors to take into account when choosing a migration agent to suit your needs. Here are some of the more important factors to consider.

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Best Migration Agent

Top 5 Reasons Why You Should Use a Registered Migration Agent

While it’s not mandatory to use a registered migration agent when applying for a visa, a registered migration agent can provide valuable assistance throughout the visa application process.

Here are five of the most important reasons why you should use a registered migration agent.

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New Zealand Passports Welcome!

For many New Zealanders, Australia is not only a place to visit but also their home. In 2019, it was reported that approximately 685,000 New Zealand residents were living in Australia. The special relationship between Australia and New Zealand saw the introduction of the Tran-Tasman Travel Arrangement way back in 1973. As such, there are a variety of visa options available to our New Zealand friends that enable them to work, live and study in Australia.

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Business Visas

Tension in Hong Kong: How Can Australia Help?

Tensions are rising once again in Hong Kong with China imposing a tough national security law on the territory without consultation with the Legislative Council or the public. The issues began about a year ago, when the Chinese government proposed changes to the extradition laws. These laws pose a threat to Hong Kong’s judicial independence and the rights and freedom of its citizens.

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Carer Visa

Carer Visas (Subclass 836/116)

Carer visas allow individuals to reside in Australia to look after family members. There are two carer visas available, the subclass 836 (on-shore) and the subclass 110 (off-shore). The person being cared for must be a relative, or a relative’s family member who lives with them. These are permanent visas so holders are entitled to stay in Australia indefinitely.

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