
Visa Solutions Australia
Australian Migration Agents
Covid-19 Vaccination

Proof of Vaccination for Traveling Overseas

As Australians, access to Medicare is something we don’t think about unless we need to access healthcare. Now with proof of vaccination required to partake in most activities we ordinarily take for granted, Medicare has become front and centre of daily living.

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border reopen

Travel Exemptions No Longer Apply For Some Visa Holders

With international travel borders open and flights arriving and leaving Australian shores, many changes are coming into effect especially when it comes to visas.
The federal government has announced that from 1st December 2021, travel exemptions will no longer apply for the following visas.

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Covid-19 Vaccination

Vaccinated Vs Non-Vaccinated – What Can You Do?

Covid-19 vaccination has been the hot topic among Australians for some time now. The national plan as agreed by the federal and state governments allows for more freedoms for Australians as vaccination rates hit agreed targets.

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border open

Some of the Finer Details for International Travels

Since Prime Minister Scott Morrison’s announcement that international travel would re-commence in November, many more details have been revealed.
While once international travel was a simple case of booking a flight and ensuring your passport and travel insurance was in order before hopping on a plane, the travel process now is far more complex.

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New South Wales Leads the Way to Reopening International Borders

The reopening of international borders was a welcome announcement from Prime Minister Scott Morrison. Even more welcome was New South Wales Premier Dominic Perrottet’s announcement on Friday that will see quarantine for fully vaccinated international travellers no longer apply. This change will come into effect from 1 November 2021.

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Migration Agent

Introducing Registered Migration Agent, Miguel Valderrama

Miguel Valderrama joined the Visa Solutions Australia team in mid-August.
Miguel migrated from Peru 14 years ago as an international student. He studied for his master’s degree in financial management and accounting before working for Sensis / Yellow Pages for a little over a year.

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