Become an Australian Citizen

Visa Solutions Australia
Australian Migration Agents

The Australian Citizenship​

At Visa Solutions Australia, our experienced and specialised team knows we are privileged to help facilitate visa processes that change lives and grow businesses in Australia.

We’ve seen our individual clients flourish in new jobs, in a new country they love. We’ve seen our business clients thrive, with the addition of talented and driven team mates from overseas.

We see it every day, and still, we can’t get enough of it!

Australian citizenship is more than a formal status. It is a common bond that represents common values and a sense of commitment to living together as a democracy, the foundation we build our lives upon.

When you decide to become an Australian citizen, you are making a lifelong commitment to Australia, its security, its community, and its economy. It also means you are no longer a guest in this country, and as such you no longer need to apply for residency visas to remain living here.

How can I become an Australian Citizen?

To become an Australian Citizen, you must have lived in Australia for the last four years, with at least 12 months spent as a permanent resident. You must not have been away from Australia for long periods of time.

There is a Citizenship Test which all applicants must take. It covers topics related to Australia, what it means to be Australian, and the history of the country.

You must pass a certain number of questions. Multiple attempts are allowed.

Living as an Australian Citizen

Within the citizenship ceremony you will pledge that you respect the rights and liberties of the people of Australia, our belief in parliamentary democracy, rule of law, living peacefully together, respectful of all individuals regardless of background, and compassion for those in need.

You will pledge that you respect our freedom of speech and expression, freedom of association and religion and secular government.

You will also agree to respect our values of equality in Australia, in the equality of all genders, and the equality of opportunity for every Australian regardless of sex, race, ability, background or creed.

The registered migration agents at VSA have successfully helped thousands of individuals and families become Australian citizens. Get in touch today to find out how we can help.

Celebrating your Citizenship

Australia celebrates citizenship several different ways with a variety of citizenship and affirmation ceremonies held as part of a number of special days and events. These include Australia Day, Australian Citizenship Day, Constitution Day, Australia’s Local Hero Award as well as other celebrations like Refugee Week.

Australian Migration Agent



Australian Citizenship

The Importance of Citizenship

Most migrants come to Australia with the intention of eventually applying for permanent residence and then ultimately Australian citizenship. Of course to be granted either of these or initially a visa, applicants must meet character requirements.

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Australian Citizenship

Character Testing: Are You Good, Bad or Normal?

It’s now harder than ever to become an Australian citizen. We live in a great country so it’s not surprising that many people want to make Australia their permanent home.

While we don’t want to let just anyone into Australia, how stringent should we be on permanent residents wanting citizenship?

There has been a great deal in the media about Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton and his character test. In effect since late 2014, the character test has the potential to block aspirations of being an Australian citizen.

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